On this page you can see basic suffixes used in this template. Please remember about using space at beginning of suffix name in module options!

The color1 suffix can be used inside the #gkContent container and also on the bottom7-12 module positions.

The color2 suffix can be used inside the #gkContent container and on the right and left column. Inside the columns it is rendered as a white module.

The border, dark and advertisement suffix can be used as the color2 suffix.

The big suffix for the standard modules increase the size of the module header. Additionaly with News Show Pro GK4 and Tabs GK4 modules has a special design. In the NSP module it cause bigger titles and adding the horizontal lines between the articles. For the Tabs GK4 module this suffix cause a design visible on the homepage of the demo content. Please remember that in order to achieve transparent background on the #gkContent container you have to define a page suffix nobg for the homepage menu item.

Additionaly in order to change the tabs design, the tabs icons in the interface_elements.psd file should be edited. We have prepared graphics for 8 tabs.